Thursday, July 15, 2021

शेवराॅन वलन (Chevron folds)

Chevron folds are a structural feature characterized by repeated well behaved folded beds with straight limbs and sharp hinges. Well developed, these folds develop repeated set of v-shaped beds.They develop in response to regional or local compressive stress. Inter-limb angles are generally 60 degrees or less. Chevron folding preferentially occurs when the bedding regularly alternates between contrasting competences.Turbidites, characterized by alternating high-competence sandstones and low-competence shales, provide the typical geological setting for chevron folds to occurs.
शेवरॉन फोल्ड एक संरचनात्मक विशेषता है जो सीधी भुजा और तेज मोड़ के साथ कई बार मुड़े हुए संस्तरोंं के रूप में व्यवस्थित होती है। इन परतों में बार-बार वी-आकार के संस्तरोंं का समूह विकसित होता है। वे क्षेत्रीय या स्थानीय संपीड़न तनाव के फलस्वरूप विकसित होते हैं। आंतरिक भुजा का कोण आमतौर पर 60° या उससे कम होता है। शेवरॉन वलन प्रमुखतः तब उत्पन्न होते हैं जब संस्तर नियमित रूप से विपरीत बलों के मध्य प्रतिस्पर्द्धा के बीच पड़ जाते हैं। अपेक्षाकृत अधिक कठोर बालुका पत्थर और कम कठोर चट्टानों के निक्षेप शेवरॉन वलन के लिए विशिष्ट भूवैज्ञानिक दशा प्रदान करते हैं।


Monday, March 1, 2021

उत्तर प्रदेश उच्चतर शिक्षा आयोग भूगोल विषय (विषय कोड 36) पाठ्यक्रम


mÙkj izns”k mPprj f’k{kk vk;ksx] bykgkckn


Hkwxksy fok; esa inksa dk fooj.k

ijh{kk iz.kkyh&

p;u dk vk/kkj fyf[kr ijh{kk rFkk lk{kkRdkj gSA fyf[kr ijh{kk esa mÙkh.kZ vH;fFkZ;ks a dks lk{kkRdkj ds fy, vkeaf=r fd;k tk,xkA fyf[kr ijh{kk gsrq ,d oLrqfu"B iz'ui= ¼lkekU; Kku ,oa lEcfU/kr oSdfYid fo"k;½ gksxkA fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vad 200 ¼lkekU; Kku ds 60 $ oSdfYid ds 140½ ,oa lk{kkRdkj ds 30 vad gksaxsA lHkh fo"k;ks a esa lkekU; Kku ds 30 iz'u ,oa oSdfYid fo"k; ds 70 iz'u gksxsaA izR;sd iz'u&2 vadksa dk gksxkA nksuks a esa ¼200$30¾ 230½ izkIr vadks a ds vk/kkj ij ;ksX;rk Øekuqlkj p;u lwph fuxZr dh tk;sxhA iz'ui= es a dksbZ Hkh _.kkRed ekfdZax ugha gksxhA


                ¼lHkh fo’k; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy;s vfuok;Z½

bdkbZ&1] lelkef;d eqn~ns&

1- jk’Vªh; ,oa vUrjkZ’Vªh; izeq[k ?kVuk,a o eqn~ns]

2- izeq[k O;fDrRo]

3- [ksy lekpkj]

4- foKku ds {ks= esa uohure “kks/kA

Unit-1 : Current Affairs-

A. Major events & Current Affairs : National/International,

B. Personalities in News,

C. Sports News,

D. Current Research in the field of Science.

bdkbZ&2] f’k{k.k ,oa ’kks/k vfHko`fÙk&

1- f”k{k.k % izd`fr] mn~ns”;] vko”;drk,a] fof/k;ka] ewY;kadu rFkk f”k{k.k dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjd]

2- “kks/k % rkRi;Z ,oa iz.kkyh]

3- vkdM+k % lzksr] ladyu ,oa fo”ys’k.k]

4- Hkkjrh; mPp f”k{kk ds xq.kkRed fodkl esa ;w0th0lh0 dh HkwfedkA

Unit-2 : Teaching and Research Aptitude-

A. Teaching : Nature, Objectives, Need, Methods Evaluation and Factor Affecting Teaching,

B. Research : Meaning and Methods,

C. Data : Source, Collection and Analysis,

D. Role of UGC in Qualitative Development in Higher Education.

bdkbZ&3] lwpuk ,oa lapkj izkS|ksfxdh ¼ICT)&

1- lwpuk ,oa lapkj izkS|ksfxdh % rkRi;Z] ykHk ,oa nq’ifj.kke]

2- bUVjusV ,oa bZ&esy dk vk/kkjHkwr Kku]

3- lwpuk ,oa lapkj lEcU/kh “kCn la{ksi.k ,oa “kCnkoyhA

Unit-3 : Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-

A. ICT : Meaning, Advantages and Disadvantages,

B. Basics of Internet & E-mailing,

C. General Abbreviation and Terminology.

bdkbZ&4] ekuo ,oa i;kZoj.k&

1- ekuo ,oa i;kZoj.k dk vUr%lEcU/k]

2- i;; {kj.k % dkj.k ,oa fuokj.k]

3- i;kZoj.k laj{k.k gsrq jk’Vªh; ,oa vUrjkZ’Vªh; iz;klA

Unit-4 : People and Environment :

A. People & Environment Interaction,

B. Environmental Depredation : Cause & Solution,

C. National and International affairs for better Environment

D. Environmental Control.

bdkbZ&5] Hkkjrh; bfrgkl ,oa Hkwxksy&

1- Hkkjrh; laLd`fr dh izeq[k fo”ks’krk,a]

2- Hkkjrh; jk’Vªh; vkUnksyu ¼1857&1950a½]

3- czºek.M dh mRifÙk ,oa lkSj eaMy]

4- Hkkjr dk lkekU; HkwxksyA


Unit-5 : Indian History and Geography :

A. Salient Features of Indian Culture,

B. Indian National Movement (1857-1950),

C. Origin of Universe and Solar System,

D. Indian Geography (General).

bdkbZ&6] Hkkjrh; lafo/kku ,oa vFkZO;oLFkk&

1- izLrkouk] ewy vf/kdkj ,oa uhfr funs”kd fl)kUr]

2- Hkkjrh; jktuhfrd O;oLFkk % fo/kkf;dk] dk;Zikfydk ,oa U;k;ikfydk]

3- fuokZpu vk;ksx ,oa yksd lsok vk;ksx]

4- tula[;k] xjhch o csjkstxkjh( ;kstuk ,oa fodkl( vk;dj]

5- d`f’k] m|ksx o O;kikj( /ku] eqnzk] cSad ,oa iwath cktkjA

Unit-6 : Indian Constitution and Economy :

A. Preamble, Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles,

B. Indian political system : Legislative Executive and Judiciary,

C. Election Commission and Public Service Commission,

D. Population, Poverty, Unemployment; Planning and Development; Income Tax,

E. Agriculture, Industry, Trade; Money, Currency, Banking and Capital Market.

uksV& izR;sd bdkbZ ls 4 iz”u iwaNuk vfuok;Z gksxkA











mÙkj izns’k mPprj f’k{kk vk;ksx] bykgkckn

oSdfYid fok; Hkwxksy & ikB~;dze ¼fok; dksM & 36½

bdkbZ&1] Hkwvkd`frfoKku % vk/kkjHkwr ladYiuk,a( vartkZr vkSj cfgtkZr cy( vukPNknu vkSj vi{k;( HkwlUufr;ka] Hkw&larqyu] egk}hih; izokg vkSj IysV foorZfudh fl)kar( ioZr fuekZ.k] Hkw&vkd`frd pdz dh ladYiuk,a( unh] fgekuh] “kq’d] rVh; vkSj dkLVZ pdz ls lacaf/kr LFkykd`fr;ka] vk/kqfud Hkw&vkd`frfoKkuh] O;kogkfjd vkd`frfoKkuA

Unit-1, Geomorphology : Fundamental concepts; Endogenetic and Exogenetic forces; Denudation and weathering; Geosynclines, Isostasy, Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics Theories; Mountain Building, Concept of geomorphic cycle; Landforms associated with fluvial, glacial, arid, coastal and karst cycles, Modern Geomorphologists, Applied Geomorphology.

bdkbZ&2] tyok;qfoKku % ok;qeaMy dk la?kVu vkSj lajpuk( i`Foh dk rki ctV] rkieku dk {kSfrt vkSj Å/okZ/kj forj.k( ok;qeaMyh; ncko vkSj ok;q dk lkekU; lapj.k( ekulwu] tsV LVªhe vkSj LFkkuh; iousa( m’.k vkSj “khrks’.k dfVca/kh; pdzokr( tyok;q dk oxhZdj.k( dksisu vkSj FkkuZFosV dk oxhZdj.k vkSj fo”o ds HkkSxksfyd izns”kksa dh fo”ks’krk,aA

Unit-2, Climatology : Composition and structure of the atmosphere; Heat budget of the earth, Horizontal and Vertical Distribution of Temperature; Atmospheric pressure and general circulation of winds; Monsoon, jet stream and local winds; Tropical and temperate cyclones; Classification of world climates; Koppen’s and Thornthwaite’s schemes and features of World Climatic Regions.


d& leqnzfoKku % egklkxjh; fury dh cukoV] egklkxjh; fu{ksi( izoky( egklkxjh; rkieku vkSj yo.krk( leqnzh ty dk ?kuRo( Tokj&HkkVk vkSj leqnzh /kkjk,aA


A- Oceanography : Ocean Bottom Topography, Ocean deposits; Coral reefs; Temperature and salinity of the oceans; Density of sea water; Tides and ocean currents.

[k& tSo vkSj i;; Hkwxksy % ikS/kksa vkSj tarqvksa dk fo”oforj.k( ikfjfLFkfrd ra= dk Lo:i vkSj dk;Z] laj{k.k vkSj izca/ku( ikfjfLFkfrdh ds fl)kar( ekuo&ikfjfLFkfrdh vuqdwyu( ikfjfLFkfrdh vkSj i;kZoj.k ij euq’; dk izHkko( oSf”od vkSj izknsf”kd ikfjfLFkfrd ifjorZu vkSj vlarqyu( i;; vou;u] iznw’k.k] vkstksu {kj.k vkSj tyok;q dh vkinkdkjh pqukSrh vkSj muds mipkjkRed mik;] izca/ku ,oa laj{k.k( tSofofo/krk vkSj lrr fodkl( i;; uhfr;ka( i;; f”k{kk vkSj fo/kkuA

B- Bio and Environmental Geography : World distribution of plants and animals; Forms and functions, Conservation and management of ecosystems;. Principle of ecology; Human ecological adaptations; Influence of man on ecology and environment; Global and regional ecological changes and imbalances; Environmental degradation, hazards Problems of pollution, ozone depletion and climate change, and their remedial measures, management and conservation; Biodiversity and sustainable development; Environmental policies; Environmental education and legislation.

bdkbZ&4] HkkSxksfyd fparu % izkphu vkSj e/;dkyhu Hkkjr rFkk fo”o esa HkkSxksfyd Kku dk lkekU; pfj=( osnksa] egkdkO;ksa] iqjk.kksa vkSj Le`fr;ksa esa HkkSxksfyd Kku( vk/kqfud Hkwxksy ds laLFkkid vkSj fofHkUu v/;srkvksa dk ;ksxnku( }Sr vkSj }Srokn( fu”p;okn] laHkookn( ekuo vkSj i;kZoj.k] {ks=h; foHksnu vkSj LFkkfud laxBu] ek=kRed dzkafr( LFkkfud fo”ys’k.k( vkewy ifjorZu ¼mxzokn½] O;kogkfjd] ekuo vkSj dY;k.kijd mikxeA

Unit-4, Geographic Thought : General character of Geographic knowledge in India and world during the ancient and medieval period; Geographical Knowledge in Vedas, Epic Periods, Puranas and Samritis. Foundations of Modern Geography and contributions of different scholars; Dichotomy and dualism; Determinism, possibilism; Man and Environment, Areal differentiation and spatial organization, Quantitative revolution. Locational analysis; radical, behavioural, human and welfare approaches.


d& tula[;k Hkwxksy % fo”o tula[;k forj.k ds dkjd vkSj izfr:i( tula[;k o`f) vkSj ?kuRo( izokl ds izfr:i vkSj izfdz;k( tula[;k ladze.k] tula[;k & lalk/ku izns”kA

A-  Population Geography : Factors and Patterns of world population distribution; Growth and density of population; Patterns and processes of migration; Demographic transition, Population – resources region.

[k& vf/kokl Hkwxksy % xzkeh.k vkSj uxjh; vf/kokl ds LFky] vofLFkfr] izdkj] vkdkj] varj vkSj vkarfjd vkd`frdh( uxjhdj.k dh izfdz;k vkSj izfr:i( uxj izns”k( izkbesV flVh( dksfV & vkdkj fu;e( vf/kokl vuqdze( fdzLVkyj dk dsanzLFky fl)kar( vkxLV ykW”k dk cktkj dsanz fl)kar( LekVZ flVh dh vo/kkj.kk vkSj uxjh; dsanzksa dk fodklA

B- Settlement Geography : Site, situation, types, size, spacing and internal morphology of rural and urban settlements; Process and pattern of urbanization; City–region; Primate city; Rank – size rule; Settlement hierarchy; Christaller’s Central Place theory; August Losch’s theory of market Centres; Concept of Smart City and Development of Urban Centres.

bdkbZ&6] vkfFkZd Hkwxksy % vFkZO;oLFkk ds {ks=d % izkFkfed] f}rh;d] r`rh;d vkSj prqFkZd( izkd`frd lalk/ku %; vkSj;] lalk/kuksa dk laj{k.k( d`f’k mRikndrk vkSj n{krk dk ekiu] d`f’k dzkafr] d`f’k ds izdkj vkSj mudk oxhZdj.k( “kL; & la;kstu vkSj fofo/khdj.k( df’k LFkkuh;dj.k ds fl)kar % okWu F;wusu dk ekWMy( fo”o dk d`f’k iz.kkyh vkSj d`f’k izns”k( m|ksxksa dk oxhZdj.k % cscj vkSj ykW”k mikxe( lalk/ku vk/kkfjr vkSj LoPNan m|ksx( ifjogu ekWMy vkSj ifjogu ykxr % vfHkxE;rk vkSj la;kstdrkA

Unit-6, Economic Geography : Sectors of Economy : primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary; Natural resources: renewable and non-renewable, conservation of resources. Measurement of agricultural productivity and efficiency, agricultural revolution, agricultural types and typology; Crop combination and diversification; Theories of Agricultural Location; Von Thunen’s Model. Agricultural systems and regions of the world. Classification of industries: Weber’s and Losch’s approaches; Resource based and footloose industries. Models of transportation and transport cost : Accessibility and connectivity.


d& jktuhfrd Hkwxksy % ân; LFky vkSj fjeyS.M fl)kar( lhek vkSj lhekar( iz”kklfud {ks= dh izd`fr vkSj ukxfjd uhfr;ksa rFkk foÙk dk HkwxksyA

A- Political Geography : Heartland and Rimland theories; Boundaries and frontiers; Nature of administrative areas and Geography of public policy and finance.

[k& lkekftd Hkwxksy % u`tkrh;rk( tutkfr;ka( cksyh( Hkk’kk( tkfr vkSj /keZ( lkekftd dY;k.k dh vo/kkj.kk( lkekftd lewg vkSj laxBuA

B- Social Geography : Ethnicity; tribe; dialect; language, caste and religion; Concept of social well being. Social Groups and Organisation.

x& jktuhfrd Hkwxksy % fo”o ds ifjeaMy] {ks= vkSj lkaLd`frd izns”k( ekuo iztkfr( vkokL;( tutkrh; lewgksa dh vFkZO;oLFkk vkSj lekt( lkaLd`frd uokpkjksa dk izlj.k( ekuo fodkl vkSj mlds lwpd( oS”ohdj.k dk Hkkjrh; lekt vkSj laLd`fr ij izHkkoA

C- Cultural Geography : Culture – Realms, Areas and Cultural Regions of the World; Human races; Habitat; Economy and Society of tribal groups; Diffusion of Cultural innovations; Human Development and their Index; Impact of Globalization on Indian Society and Culture.

bdkbZ&8] iznsf’kd fu;kstu % Hkwxksy esa izns”k ¼{ks=½ dh ladYiuk( fu;kstu {ks= dh ladYiuk( izns”k ds izdkj( izkns”khdj.k dh fof/k;ka( Hkkjr esa izknsf”kd fu;kstu( fodkl ds lwpd( {ks=h; vlarqyu( uxj fu;kstu dk mn~Hko] izd`fr vkSj fo’k;{ks=& Hkkjr ds fo”ks’k lanHkZ esa] uxj vkSj ns”k ds fu;kstu ds vk/kkjHkwr <kapsA

Unit-8, Regional Planning : Regional concept in Geography; Concept of planning regions; Types of regions; Methods of regional delineation; Regional planning in India; Indicators of development; Regional imbalances; Evolution, nature and scope of town planning with special reference to India, and Fundamentals of Town and Country planning.

bdkbZ&9] Hkkjr dk Hkwxksy % izkd`frd Hkwxksy vkSj izkd`frd foHkktu( tyok;q % bldk {ks=h; oSfo/;( Hkkrh; ekulwu dh fdz;kfof/k vkSj o’kkZ izfr:i( Å’.kdfVca/kh; pdzokr vkSj iNqvk fo{kksHk( ck<+ vkSj lw[kk( ouLifr izdkj vkSj ouLifr izns”k] ou vkSj oU; tho lalk/ku] fuoZuhdj.k vkSj mldk laj{k.k] e`nk ds eq[; izdkj] flapkbZ vkSj cgqmÌs”kh; ifj;kstuk,a( d`f’k vkSj mldk izkns”khdj.k( d`f’k & tyok;q izns”k( d`f’k & ikfjfLFkfrd izns”k( tula[;k forj.k vkSj o`f)] tukafddh; fo”ks’krk,a % fyaxkuqikr] vk;q lajpuk] lk{kjrk nj] dk;Zcy] uxjhdj.k( Hkkjrh; lekt % tkrh;] Hkk’kkf;d vkSj u`tkfr oSfo/;( /kkfeZd vYila[;d( izeq[k tutkfr;ka] tutkrh; {ks= vkSj mldh leL;k,a( Hkwfe] lrgh vkSj Hkwfexr ty] ÅtkZ] [kfut] tSfod vkSj leqnzh lalk/ku vkSj mudk laj{k.k] ÅtkZ ladV( izeq[k m|ksx vksj vkS|ksfxd izns”k] uohu vkS|ksfxd uhfr;ka( fo”ks’k vkfFkZd {ks=( bdks i;ZVu lfgr i;ZVu( ;krk;kr vkSj lapkj( jk’Vªh; vkSj fons”kh O;kikj( O;kikj larqyu( O;kikj uhfr( fu;kZr izlaLdj.k +{ks=( iapo’khZ; ;kstuk,a( ,dhd `r xzkeh.k fodkl dk;Zdze( iapk;rhjkt vkSj  fodsanzhd`r fu;kstuA

Unit-9, Geography of India : Physiography and Physiographic divisions; Climate : Its regional variations; Mechanism of Indian monsoons and rainfall patterns, Tropical cyclones and western disturbances; Floods and droughts; Vegetation types and vegetation regions, Forest and wild life resources, deforestation and their conservation, Major soil types; Irrigation and multipurpose projects. Agriculture and its regionalisation; agro-climatic zones; agroecological regions.; Population distribution and growth, Demographic attributes: sex-ratio, age structure, literacy rate, work-force Urbanization; Indian Society- Racial, linguistic and ethnic diversities; religious minorities; major tribes, tribal areas and their problems; Land, surface and ground water, energy, minerals, biotic and marine resources and their conservation, Energy crisis; major industries and industrial regions, New industrial policies; Special Economic Zones; Tourism including eco -tourism. Transport and Communication; national and foreign trade; Trade balance; Trade Policy; Export processing zones; Five Year Plans; Integrated rural development programmes; Panchayati Raj and decentralised planning.


d& ekufp.k % ekufp= ds izdkj % LFkkfud izfr:iksa ds forj.k ds v/;;u ds fy;s rduhdsa] o.kZek=h] leeku js[kk vkSj jaxo.khZ ekufp= vkSj o`Ùkkjs[k( LFkku fo”ks’k ds vkdM+ksa dk ekufp=.k( vfHkxE;rk vkSj izokg ekufp=( LFkkykd`frd ekufp= & izdkj vkSj fo”ks’krk,a( ekufp= iz{ksi  & js[kktky izdkj] fuekZ.k vkSj ekufp= iz{ksi dh eq[; fo”ks’krk,aA


A- Cartography : Types of maps : Techniques for the study of spatial patterns of distribution; Choropleth; Isopleth and Chorochromatic maps and pie diagrams; Mapping of location – specific data; Accessibility and flow maps. Topographical Maps-types and features; Map Projection- graticules, types, construction and salient features of map projections,

[k& lkaf[;dh fof/k;ka % vkdM+ksa ds lzksr vkSj izdkj( ckjackjrk caVu vkSj lap;h ckjackjrk( dsanzh; izo`fÙk dh eki( ekufp=.k ds fy;s oxZvarjky dk p;u( vifdj.k vkSj ladsnz.k dk ekiu( ekud fopyu( ykWjsat odz( fofHkUu pjksa ds e/; lglaca/k ds ekiu dh fof/k;ka( ljy vkSj cgqylglaca/k( izrhixeu( fudVre iM+kslh fo”ys’k.k( ekiu dh rduhdsa( jSad Ldksj] Hkkfjr Ldksj] izfrn”kZA

B- Statistical Methods : Data sources and types of data; Frequency distribution and cumulative frequency ; Measures of central, tendency; Selection of class intervals for mapping; Measures of dispersion and concentration; Standard deviation; Lorenz Curve; Methods of measuring association among different attributes; Simple and Multiple correlation; Regression. Nearest– neighbour analysis; Scaling techniques; Rank score; Weighted score; Sampling.

x& nwj laosnu vkSj HkkSxksfyd lwpuk ra= % bldk fl)kar] fodkl vkSj mi;ksx( Hkkjr esa nwj laosnu dk fodkl( Hkkjrh; mixxzgksa dh fo”ks’krk,a( ekufp=.k esa dEI;wVj dk mi;ksx( fMftVy ekufp=.k( HkkSxksfyd lwpuk ra=A

C- Remote sensing and GIS- Its principles, development and application; Development of Remote Sensing of India; Features of Indian Satellite; Computer application in mapping; Digital mapping; Geographic Information System (GIS).

अनुवादक – विन्ध्येश्वरी मो. न. - 9565160172